Veterinary Referral
CONTACT USAt Anrich Vets, we offer a wide range of referral services from preventative healthcare to orthopaedic surgery. We have a wealth of experience and a huge number of veterinary facilities. You can make a referral request online, or by phone.
Laparoscopic spay (Keyhole surgery)
Dr Emily Long MRCVS has taken additional training to perform laparoscopic surgeries. In many ways this process is like the traditional spay/castrate, all pre-surgical preparation is identical and your pet will still only need to be with our vets for the day.
CT Scanning
We have an imaging vet, referral surgeons and an advanced practitioner in surgery to diagnose from out state-of-the-art Computerised Tomography Scanner. We also work along side specialists to ensure gold standard diagnostic imaging.
MRI Scanning
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) unlike traditional radiographic procedures; x-rays, does not expose the patient to ionizing radiation making it less invasive to the patient. Instead, MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to form an image of the body…
DR X-ray suite
We have an imaging vet, referral surgeons and an advanced practionioner in surgery to diagnose from out state-of-the-art xray suite with direct radiology. This enables us to diagnose within minutes of teking the xrays.
Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery
We offer a range of orthopaedic surgeries and neurosurgery performed by our advanced practioner and certificate holding surgeon’s Dr Adam Kluczny Cert (SAS) AVP MRCVS & Dr Emily Long BvM MRCVS.
Recently Dr Adam Kluczny Cert (SAS) AVP MRCVS has been working with Kyon to advance his surgical skills further to gain the accreditation to preform Hip Replacements on your pets.
Soft tissue surgery
We have multiple referral surgeons that carry out a large range of soft tissue procedures.
We offer dermatology consultations both as a first opinion and as a referrals from other veterinary practices. Our in-house specific lab is used to diagnose our patients for many different parasites…
Ultrasonography and cardiology
We have an imaging vet and an advanced practionioner in cardiology to boast our impressive ultrasound facilities. We do all ultrasound proceedures from pregnant scans to echogardiographs.
Arthroscopy is lead by our advanced practitioner orthopeadic surgeon and is key to ensure minimally evasive surgey on knees, shoulders and carpus.