How Much Does Cat Vaccination Cost in the UK?

As with many things, cat vaccinations cost varies across the UK. It is worth getting a few quotes on how much does it cost to vaccinate a cat from your local vets, though having a good vet who you trust to look after your cats and kittens, may be more valuable, than saving a few pounds on a vaccine.

Understanding Cat Vaccination Guidelines

Your cat will need the right sort of vaccinations for his lifestyle. Whether you have an indoor or outdoor cat, and whether you are expecting to travel abroad with your cat, will all play a part in choosing which vaccines you will need. The schedule of vaccinations is also important. Kittens can be vaccinated from 9 weeks old, with a second round of vaccinations at 3 months. This is then followed up by an annual booster every year. If you are rescuing an older cat, you may need to begin his vaccine schedule from the beginning, though check with the charity, as it may have been done.

What Vaccinations Do My Cats Need?

Choosing the right vaccinations for your kitten is important. If you are unsure which ones you need, then speak to a trusted vet for advice. Generally, all kittens need the essential vaccines, whilst the other vaccines will depend on the expected cat’s lifestyle.

Essential Cat Vaccinations

Essential kitten vaccinations will protect your cat against diseases such as cat flu and feline parvovirus. These are the two crucial vaccinations that your cat will need, even if they never go outside, or come into contact with other cats.

Feline Leukaemia Virus Vaccines

If your cat goes outside, even just into your own garden, he will need the feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). So you will need to know how you are going to keep your cat before you can decide whether he needs this vaccine or not.

Rabies Vaccines

We do not standardly vaccinate against rabies in the UK, but if you expect to travel outside the UK with your cat, then you will need a rabies vaccination as part of your travel documents.

Average Vaccinations Cost of 1st and 2nd Round Vaccine

According to research, the current average cost of the initial kitten vaccinations for your kitten are around £75, which includes the vaccine against feline leukaemia virus. Here at Anrich Vets, we offer a kitten pack, for a very reasonable price of £99, which includes: 1st and 2nd vaccination, 1 month’s flea and worm treatment, food sample, 5 weeks free pet insurance, and 10% discount on neutering.

Average Cost of Annual Booster Vaccinations

Annual booster vaccinations are naturally cheaper, as only one dose of vaccinations is required. Research shows the average price to be around £52. If you have rehomed a cat through a rescue charity, it is worth asking if you can get help with the vaccinations.

Costs Factors and Considerations

Having pets, such as cats, brings many benefits to your life. However, it is important to be realistic about the cost of keeping a cat. Before you bring your bundle of feline fluff and cuteness home, make sure that you know how much it will cost to keep him over his lifespan. Cute kittens grow into fully grown cats, who need vaccinations, worming, flea treatment, cat insurance, good quality food, and pet sitting should you go away. Be very honest with yourself, and make sure that you can look after your feline friend properly before you bring him home.

Are Vaccinations Covered by Pet Insurance?

Vaccinations are not covered by pet insurance, as they are considered to be preventive treatment, which is not covered by insurance. However, having your cat vaccinated reduces the risk of him becoming ill, so can reduce your pet insurance premiums. Similarly, worming and flea treatment are also not covered by your pet insurance. It is worth checking with your pet insurance, as you may discover, that if your unvaccinated cat contracts a disease that you could have had him vaccinated against, you are not covered on your insurance for the treatment. Always do the best you can to prevent diseases from occurring. Not only is it best practice, but it is also usually far cheaper to pay for preventative treatment, than curative treatment.

Protect your Furry Friend and Vaccinate Today

Invest in your cat and keep them safe with their cat vaccinations. Cat vaccinations are designed to improve the health and happiness of your cat, helping to keep him protected over his lifespan, and preventing illnesses. Here at Anrich Vets, we believe that having your cat vaccinated is one of the best things you can do for him. Our kitten pack gives you a fantastically affordable package to get your cat started on a good path for life. To book your kitten in today, simply call our friendly and professional team on 01942 242001

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