Syringomyelia is the term that is used to describe fluid-filled cavities within the spinal cord, which cause an abnormal sensation in affected dogs. The underlying issue is Chiari-like malformation (CLM). CLM represents an imbalance between the size of the brain,...
Meningitis in Dogs Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Meningitis is a serious condition that will require intervention and treatment. It occurs when the meninges, membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, become inflamed. This causes neurological symptoms which can vary in severity. Meningitis can have various...
How Much Does Dog Dental Cleaning Cost in the UK?
As a good dog owner, you will understand the importance of looking after the health and well-being of your dog. From ensuring that he has regular walks and playtime to visiting the vets for checkups and vaccinations. But do you look after his teeth? Oral health is...
Common Dog Dental Problems and Disease
Like humans, dogs can be susceptible to dental problems and disease. Dental disease is one of the most common types of health conditions in dogs. Regular dental maintenance can help prevent plaque build-up on the teeth, which can contribute to dental disease. Ensure...
How Long After a 2nd Puppy Vaccination Can They Go Out
Bringing your new family member home is exciting, but remember that it is your duty as a responsible pet owner to keep your new puppy safe, happy and healthy. This includes making sure that he is vaccinated against common diseases. Many people are unsure of how long...
Dog Worms Symptoms
Any puppy or dog can have worms, and it is essential, as responsible pet owners, that we know the common signs of worms and how to treat them. Not all the symptoms of worms in dogs are obvious, but knowing your dog will mean that you are best placed to notice any...
How Much Does Cat Vaccination Cost in the UK?
As with many things, cat vaccinations cost varies across the UK. It is worth getting a few quotes on how much does it cost to vaccinate a cat from your local vets, though having a good vet who you trust to look after your cats and kittens, may be more valuable, than...
How Much Are Puppy Vaccinations?
Why Vaccinations Are Essential for Puppies Vaccinations are essential for your puppy as they provide immunity from diseases that can be fatal to your puppies’ health. Your puppy will have natural immunity from mum up until around 8 weeks of age. At 8 weeks of age your...
Symptoms of Cat Flu
What is Cat Flu and Why Should You Care? Like the human common cold, cat flu is a virus that attacks the upper respiratory tract of cats. It is caused by a bacteria and viral infection. The main virus’ responsible for cat flu are Feline Calici virus and Feline Herpes...